Top 17 Best Scandinavian Foods You Must Try

Scandinavian cuisine, with its unique blend of flavors, traditions, and modern innovations, offers a culinary journey like no other. From the hearty and comforting to the fresh and innovative, the Nordic table is a testament to the rich cultural landscapes of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. In this post, we’ll explore the 17 best Scandinavian foods that are not only staples in the Nordic diet but have also gained popularity worldwide for their delightful tastes and nutritional benefits. Whether you’re a food enthusiast eager to try new recipes or a culinary expert looking for inspiration, this guide to the best Scandinavian dishes will surely enrich your gastronomic journey.

Understanding Scandinavian Cuisine

The Roots of Scandinavian Gastronomy

Scandinavian cuisine is deeply rooted in a history of survival and simplicity, where every ingredient serves a purpose. Utilizing local ingredients like fish, meat, potatoes, dill, and berries, Nordic cooking turns simple meals into extraordinary experiences.

The Evolution of Nordic Kitchen

In recent years, Scandinavian cuisine has undergone a remarkable transformation, blending traditional methods with contemporary techniques to create innovative dishes that still pay homage to their cultural origins.

The 17 Best Scandinavian Foods

Here is a curated list of the must-try dishes from the Scandinavian peninsula, each with its unique flavors and stories.

17. Smørrebrød – Denmark’s Open-Faced Sandwich

A favorite from Denmark, Smørrebrød is rye bread with butter, topped with tasty things like herring, salmon, meat, or cheese. It shows how Scandinavians love to keep things simple yet fancy.

16. Köttbullar – Swedish Meatballs

Known all over, these Swedish meatballs come with gravy, berry jam, and mashed potatoes. It’s a cozy Swedish dish that many people love.

15. Lutefisk – Traditional Norwegian Fish Dish

Lutefisk is dried fish made soft again, then cooked. It’s a special meal from Norway, usually eaten around Christmas. It’s a dish that really shows off Norway’s long history of fishing.

14. Gravlax – Scandinavian Cured Salmon

Gravlax is a dill-cured salmon dish, showcasing the Nordic tradition of preserving seafood. Served with a mustard sauce, it’s a delicacy that balances richness with the freshness of herbs.

13. Kanelbullar – Swedish Cinnamon Buns

These sweet, spiced buns are a Swedish essential. Kanelbullar, with their distinctive cardamom and cinnamon flavors, are perfect for fika, the Swedish coffee break.

12. Räksmörgås – Swedish Shrimp Sandwich

A luxurious take on the open-faced sandwich, Räksmörgås features a generous heap of fresh shrimp, mayonnaise, and dill atop a slice of dark rye bread. It epitomizes the Swedish love for seafood and simplicity in their culinary practices.

11. Karjalanpiirakka – Finnish Karelian Pies

Originating from the Karelia region, Karjalanpiirakka are rye crust pies filled with rice pudding or mashed potatoes. After baking, they’re brushed with a mixture of butter and boiled milk for a soft, inviting texture. These pies are a beautiful representation of Finnish ingenuity and comfort.

10. Fårikål – Norwegian Lamb and Cabbage Stew

Fårikål is Norway’s national dish, consisting of lamb and cabbage cooked together in a pot with peppercorns and served with potatoes on the side. It’s a dish that brings warmth during the cold Scandinavian winters, embodying the spirit of Norwegian hospitality.

9. Jansson’s Temptation – Swedish Potato Casserole

A beloved Swedish casserole, Jansson’s Temptation combines potatoes, onions, pickled sprats, and cream. Baked until golden and creamy, it’s a dish that’s as comforting as it is flavorful, often served during Swedish festivities.

8. Ruisleipä – Finnish Rye Bread

Ruisleipä is a thick and dark bread that comes from Finland. It’s made with sourdough and rye which gives it a strong taste and filling feel. It goes really well with butter, cheese, or smoked fish.

7. Sild – Scandinavian Pickled Herring

Sild is made by soaking herring fish in a special sauce made from vinegar, onions, and spices like dill or mustard seeds. This pickled fish is a favorite at Scandinavian gatherings, especially in the summer and during holiday times.

6. Æbleskiver – Danish Pancake Balls

Æbleskiver are spherical pancakes cooked in a special pan. Often filled with apple slices and served with powdered sugar and jam, they are a Danish delight, especially popular during the Christmas season.

5. Kladdkaka – Swedish Sticky Chocolate Cake

A rich and gooey chocolate cake, Kladdkaka is Sweden’s answer to a brownie. With a crisp exterior and a sticky, dense interior, it’s a favorite for fika or any special occasion.

4. Surströmming – Swedish Fermented Herring

Perhaps the most infamous of Scandinavian dishes, Surströmming is herring fermented in brine, known for its strong aroma and flavor. It’s traditionally enjoyed with a variety of accompaniments like boiled potatoes, sour cream, and flatbreads.

3. Lapland’s Reindeer Stew

Direct from the northernmost parts of Scandinavia, reindeer stew is a traditional Sami dish that brings the unique taste of the Arctic to your table. Slow-cooked reindeer meat, rich in flavor and tenderness, is combined with root vegetables and wild herbs, offering a meal that’s both exotic and comforting.

2. Lohikeitto – Finnish Salmon Soup

Lohikeitto is a warm and creamy soup from Finland made with fresh salmon, potatoes, and veggies. It’s perfect for chilly days and reflects Finland’s love for hearty, comforting meals from the sea. Enjoy it with some bread for a delicious taste of Nordic coziness!

1. Skyr – Iceland’s Traditional Yogurt

Skyr is a kind of creamy food that’s a lot like yogurt and comes from Iceland. People in Iceland have been eating Skyr for a very long time. It’s smooth and a little bit tangy, which makes it great for all kinds of dishes, whether they’re sweet or not. Skyr is packed with protein but doesn’t have much fat, making it a healthy choice. People love to have it with fresh berries and a bit of sugar, either for breakfast or as a sweet treat. Skyr is a simple yet nutritious part of Scandinavian eating habits, giving you a taste of the old Viking way of eating.

Cooking Scandinavian Foods at Home

Essential Ingredients in a Scandinavian Pantry

  • Salmon: A staple in Nordic diets, used in dishes like Gravlax.
  • Rye Bread: The base for Smørrebrød.
  • Dill and Cardamom: Essential herbs and spices that define the flavor profile of many Scandinavian dishes.

Simple Scandinavian Recipes for Beginners

  • Smørrebrød: Start with a slice of rye bread, add a layer of butter, and top with smoked salmon and fresh dill.
  • Köttbullar: Mix ground beef with breadcrumbs, egg, and seasonings, form into balls, and cook in a creamy sauce.

The Impact of Scandinavian Cuisine on Modern Dining

The principles of Scandinavian cooking, focusing on simplicity, freshness, and sustainability, have influenced the international culinary scene, leading to the rise of Nordic-inspired eateries around the globe.


Exploring the 17 best Scandinavian foods is more than a culinary adventure; it’s a deep dive into the culture, history, and innovation of Nordic cuisine. These dishes, from the comforting köttbullar to the elegant gravlax, offer a taste of the rich gastronomic heritage of the Scandinavian peninsula. We encourage you to try these recipes, experience the unique flavors of the North, and maybe even incorporate some Scandinavian practices into your cooking repertoire.

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